statistics with R

set.seed(k=integer) is the recommended way to specify seeds in R-soft


if you add two vectors of the same length, you get another vector of the same length, where each entry is the sum of that entry in the other two vectors

x = c (3, 1, 9)
y = c (2, 5, 6)

each entry adds

x + y

[1] 5 6 15

we can index into vectors with square brackets []. for example, we can pull out the second entry of a vector:

x = c(3, 1, 9)
#print 2nd element
[1] 1
dummy vector

the next bit of code

s = rep (NA, 100)
sets up the path that we will fill with values. it is often good practice to fill vectors with NA before filling them

NA is short for ‘not available.’ R cannot handle NA when doing calculations; for example, we couldn’t take the mean of a vector with an NA in it. this is why it is good practice to fill a vector with NA before filling it with our actual data; if we make a mistake and accidentally don’t fill a specific entry in the vector, R will let us know because we can’t even take a mean

seq (from, to, by)
generates a sequence; we can decide where the sequence starts (with the first argument from), where the sequence ends (with the second argument to) and the size of the increments (either with by, which increments by a specific amount

to create a vector from 1 to 10, increment by 1

seq (from = 1, to = 10, by = 1)
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

stat functions

mean (x)
median (x)
min (x)
max (x)
var (x)
sd (x)
>  mean (x$Field_Name)  ;  median (x$Field_Name)
[1] 0.7649074
[1] 0.72

>  quantile (x$Field_Name)
  0%      25%     50%     75%     100%
  0.1300  0.4800  0.7200  1.0075  1.7600

>  min (x$Field_Name)  ;  max (x$Field_Name)
[1] 0.13
[1] 1.76

>  var (x$Field_Name)  ;  sd (x$Field_Name)
[1] 0.1429382
[1] 0.3780717
summary (x)
min, 25th quantile, mean, median, 75th quantile, max
fivenum (x)
min, lower-hinge, median, upper-hinge, max
quantile (x)
quantile (x, grades)
> z = rnorm (1000)
> mean (z)
 [1] -0.02373456
> quantile (z, c (.1, .3, .7, .9))
         10%        30%        70%        90%
         -1.3458127 -0.5073407  0.5294266  1.2001054
mad (xs)
mad (xs, center, const)
const * median (abs (xi - center))
by default: center = median and const = 1.4826 - for asymptotically normal consistency

cov (xs, ys)
covariance between two series
cov = mean (xs * ys) - mean (xs) * mean (ys)

cor (xs, ys)
correlation between two series
cor = cov²(xs,ys) / ( σ²xs * σ²ys)

you always need to know

> x = 1:10
> range (x)
[1]  1 10
> quantile (x)
   0%   25%   50%   75%  100%
 1.00  3.25  5.50  7.75 10.00

the greater the variability in the data, the greater will be your uncertainty and lower your ability to distinguish between competing hypotheses

two populations can have different means but the same variance

> x = c (1, 3, 5)
> z = c (2, 4, 6)
> mean (z) ; mean (x)
 [1] 3
 [1] 4
> var (z) ; var (x)
 [1] 4
 [1] 4

two populations can have the same mean but different variances

> x = c (1, 3, 5)
> y = c (0, 3, 6)
> mean (y) ; mean (x)
 [1] 3
 [1] 3
> var (x) ; var (y)
 [1] 4
 [1] 9

comparing means when the variances are different is an extremely bad idea

in order to be reasonably confident that your inferences are correct, you need to establish some facts about the distribution of the data:

полезные функции

round (x, n)

this rounds a value (the first argument) to a specific decimal point (the second argument). this can be useful because R generates random values to many decimal places
round (rnorm (1), 2)
 [1] 0.97
ceiling (x)
floor (x)
log (x)
exp (x)
sum (xs)
prod (xs)
factorial (n)
choose (n, k)
binomial coefficients n! / (k! * (n - k)!)
> choose(3,2)
 [1] 3

ls ()
to get a list of the variables that you have defined in a particular session
rm (x)
to delete existing variable x
rm (x,y,z)
to delete the several existing variables
functional style in R:
replicate (fun, xs)
returns a list of the same length as xs, each element of which is the result of applying fun to the corresponding element of x
lapply (fun, xs)
returns a list of the same length as xs, each element of which is the result of applying fun to the corresponding element of x

R types


integer (length = 0)
as.integer (x, ...)
is.integer (x)

double (n)
creates a double-precision vector of the specified length. the elements of the vector are all equal to ‘0’
as.double (x, ...)
is.double (x)

numeric (n)
creates empty (zeroed) sample of size n
as.numeric (x)
convert to numeric (for example : from factor)
is.numeric (x)

> numbers <- 30:1
> numbers
[1] 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14
[18] 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

> numbers[5]
[1] 26

> numbers[c(5,11,3)]
[1] 26 20 28    

> indices <- c(5,11,3)
> numbers[indices]
[1] 26 20 28


logical T[RUE] | F[ALSE]


array (data = NA, dim = length(data), dimnames = NULL)
can have one, two or more dimensions. it is a vector which is stored with additional attributes giving the dimensions (attribute ‘"dim"’) and optionally names for those dimensions (attribute ‘"dimnames"’)


list (x1, x2, .., xn)
list (tag1=x1, tag2=x2, .., tagn=xn)


>  x <- c (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60)
>  y <- c (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

>  x[4]
>  y[3:5]

>  sum (x)
>  sum (sort (y)[1:3])
>  prod (rev (x))

>  rep (5.3, 17)
>  rep (1:6, 2)

seq (from, to, by)
seq (from, to, lenght.out = ..)
seq (from, by, along x)
seq (from, by, along = 1:20)
the 'along' option allows you to map a sequence onto an existing vector (to ensure equal lengths) or if you know how many numbers you want but you can't be bothered to work out the final value of a series, you can do this


> y <- c (3, 4, 7, 2, 8, 3, 4, 7, 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 3, 7)
> m <- matrix (y, nrow = 5)
> n <- matrix (y, ncol = 3)
> m
     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    3    3    7
[2,]    4    4    8
[3,]    7    7    9
[4,]    2    1    3
[5,]    8    6    7
> n
     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    3    3    7
[2,]    4    4    8
[3,]    7    7    9
[4,]    2    1    3
[5,]    8    6    7
basic functions which support complex arithmetic, in addition to the arithmetic operators +, -, *, /, and ^

complex (length.out = 0, real = numeric(), imaginary = numeric(), modulus = 1, argument = 0)
   numeric. desired length of the output vector, inputs being recycled as needed 

  numeric vector
  numeric vector

  numeric vector
  numeric vector 
> cs1 = complex(2, c(1,2,3))
> cs1
[1] 1+0i 2+0i 3+0i
> cs2 = complex(7, c(1,2,3))
> cs2
[1] 1+0i 2+0i 3+0i 1+0i 2+0i 3+0i 1+0i

as.complex (x, ...)
x is an object, probably of mode complex
is.complex (x)
x is an object, probably of mode complex
return value is TRUE|FALSE

useful functions:

Re (z)
Im (z)
Mod (z)
Arg (z)
Conj (z)

  an object of mode complex


from/to terminal

две рабочие лошадки: readline и print

> x = as.numeric (readline (prompt="your num: "))
> print (x)
>  x = scan ()
1: 123
2: 567 890 34
5: 34.6
Read 5 items
>  x
[1] 123.0 567.0 890.0  34.0  34.6
> print (x)
[1] 123.0 567.0 890.0  34.0  34.6

>  y <- scan (what = " ")
1: old young bible
4: stout
Read 4 items
>  y
[1] "old" "young" "bible" "stout"
> print (y)
[1] "old" "young" "bible" "stout"

from/to file

file (fileName, open)
this function will create file if it does not exist
> fd = file ("aaa.dat", "w")
> close (fd)
open :
  "r" or "rt"             reading in text mode
  "w" or "wt"             writing in text mode
  "a" or "at"             appending in text mode
  "rb"                    reading in binary mode
  "wb"                    writing in binary mode
  "ab"                    appending in binary mode
  "r+" or "r+b"           reading and writing
  "w+" or "w+b"           reading and writing, truncating file initially
  "a+" or "a+b"           reading and appending
scan (filename, what, sep, n, nlines, fileEncoding)
what: ‘logical’, ‘integer’, ‘numeric’, ‘complex’, ‘character’, ‘raw’, ‘list’
n: integer: the maximum number of data values to be read, defaulting to no limit
nlines: if positive, the maximum number of lines of data to be read
sep: by default ‘white-space’ delimited input fields

file "a.dat":

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
> y = scan ("a.dat")
Read 9 items
> y
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
> is.numeric(y)
[1] TRUE

read.csv (filename, head, sep)
read.table (filename, head, sep)
the second argument indicates whether or not the first row is a set of labels
the third argument indicates sepatate sign between each number of each line

write.csv (obj, filename)
write.table (obj, filename)

save (obj, file=filename)

load (filename)
> y = rnorm (50, 7.0, 0.1)
> write (file="filename.dat", y)
> z = read.csv (file="bbb", header=0, sep=" ")
> is.list(z)
[1] TRUE
all your variables from current session

unlink (filename)
unix-way to delete file

from network

>  z <- read.fwf ("", 
                        width = c (8, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1))

you use the width argument to indicate the number of signs of each variable. in a fixed format file you do not have the names of the variables on the first line, and therefore they must be added after you have read in the data

>  z
      V1       V2  V3 V4 V5 V6
    1 general   0  70  4  1  1
    2 vocati    1 121  4  2  1
    3 general   0  86  4  3  1
    4 vocati    0 141  4  3  1
    5 academic  0 172  4  2  1
    6 academic  0 113  4  2  1
    7 general   0  50  3  2  1
    8 academic  0  11  1  2  1

>  s <- scan ("", what = character ())
Read 6 items
>  s
[1] "prgtyp" "gender" "id" "ses" "schtyp" "level"

howto read binary data

in the binary data file, information is stored in groups of binary digits. each binary digit is a zero or one (and eight binary digits grouped together is a byte)

in order to successfully read binary data, you must know how pieces of information have been parsed into binary

for example, if your data consists of integers, how may bytes should you interpret as representative of one integer in your data?

or if your data contains both positive and negative numbers, how can you distinguish the two?

how many pieces of information do you expect to find in the binary data?

ideally, you know the answers to these questions before starting to read in the binary file

to get started, we establish a connection to a file and indicate that we will be using the connection to read in binary data. we do this with the file command, providing first the pathname, and the rb for “reading binary”

> = file (“”, “rb”)

next, we use the readBin command to begin. if we think the file contains integers, we can start by reading in the first integer and hoping that the size of the integer does not require further specifications. different platforms store binary data in different ways, and which end of a string of binary values represents the greatest values or smallest values is a difference that can yield very different results from the same set of binary values. this characteristic is called the “endian”. the binary files in the examples on this page were written using a PC, which suggests they are little-endian. when reading in binary data that may or may not have been written on a different platform, indicating an "endian" can be crucial. for example, without adding endian = “little” to the command below while running R on a Mac, the command reads the first integer as 16777216

> readBin (, integer(), endian = “little”)
[1] 1

thus, it looks like the first integer in the file is 1. as we repeatedly use readBin commands, we will work our way through the binary file until we hit the end. we can read in multiple integers at once by adding an n= option to our command. if the n you specify is greater than the number of integers you specified, readBin will read and display as much as is available, so there is no danger of guessing too large an n. since we have already read in the first integer, this command will begin at the second

> readBin (, integer(), n = 4, endian = “little”)
[1] 2 3 4 5

if you know have additional information about what is in your file, you should incorporate that into the readBin command. for example, if you know that you wish to read in integers stored on 4 bytes each, you can indicate this with the size option:

> readBin (, integer(), n = 2, size = 4, endian = “little”)
[1] 6 7

similarly, if you know that your file contains characters, complex numbers, or some other type of information, you would adjust the readBin command accordingly, changing integer() to character() or complex()

since you will likely want to do more than just look at what is contained in the binary file, you will need some strategies for formatting data as you read it in

for example, suppose you are given a binary file with the following description:
- three numeric variables collected from 200 subjects,
- the three variable names appear first in the file,
- the numeric values are integers store on two bytes each, and
- all of the values for the first variables are followed by all the values for the second and then all of the values for the third (as if they have be read in as columns, not rows)

first, open a connection to the data

> newdata = file (“”, “rb”)

next, let’s read in the variable names and save them to a vector in R

> varnames = readBin (newdata, character(), n=3)
> varnames
[1] “read” “write” “math”

to read in the integer values, we can opt to read all 600 onto one vector, and then separate it out into the three variables:

> datavals = readBin (newdata, integer(), size = 4, n = 600, endian = “little”)
> readvals = datavals[1:200]
> writevals = datavals[201:400]
> mathvals = datavals[401:600]

or we can read in each variable’s values with a separate readBin command:

> readvals = readBin (newdata, integer(), size = 4, n = 200, endian = “little”)
> writevals = readBin (newdata, integer(), size = 4, n = 200, endian = “little”)
> mathvals = readBin (newdata, integer(), size = 4, n = 200, endian = “little”)

then, we can combine our three value vectors into one data frame with the variable names as our column names:

> rdata = cbind (readvals, writevals, mathvals)
> colnames (rdata) = varnames
> rdata[1:5,]
read write math
[1,] 57 52 41
[2,] 68 59 53
[3,] 44 33 54
[4,] 63 44 47
[5,] 47 52 57

lastly, since we have finished reading data from the binary file, we can close the connection:

> close (newdata)

howto write binary data

> xs =  c(1,2,4,5)
> ys = as.integer (xs)

> fd = file ("mybin.dat","wb")
> writeBin (ys, fd)
> close (fd)

> fd = file("mybin.dat", "rb")
> readBin (fd, integer(), 4)
[1] 1 2 4 5



there is a way to tell R to treat the some column as a set of factors. you specify that a variable is a factor using the factor command. in the following example you convert column "x$month" (which can contain month's names) into a factor:

>  x$month <- factor (x$month)

once a vector is converted into a set of factors then R treats it DIFFERENTLY - a set of factors have a DISCRETE SET of possible values, and it does not make sense to try to find averages or other NUMERICAL descriptions

> meteo$Month = factor (meteo$Month, ordered = T,
  levels = c ("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr",
>  is.factor (month)
[1] TRUE
> plot (meteo$Month, meteo$MeanTemp)   # or
> boxplot (meteo$MeanTemp ~ meteo$Month, col = "orange")
> ()
> meteo$MeanTemp[meteo$Month == "Jan"]



a dataframe is an object with rows and columns
the rows contain different observations/measurements from your experiment
the columns contain different variables

the values in the body of the dataframe can be numbers, but they could also be text; they could be calendar dates (like 23/5/04); or they could be logical variables

> d <- c (7, 4, 6, 8, 9, 1, 0, 3, 2, 5, 0)
> r <- rank (d)
> s <- sort (d)
> o <- order (d)
> v <- data.frame (d, r, s, o)
> v
          d     r      s       o
    1     7   9.0      0       7
    2     4   6.0      0      11
    3     6   8.0      1       6
    4     8  10.0      2       9
    5     9  11.0      3       8
    6     1   3.0      4       2
    7     0   1.5      5      10
    8     3   5.0      6       3
    9     2   4.0      7       1
    10    5   7.0      8       4
    11    0   1.5      9       5
how to treat data in dataframe
>  w <- read.table ("some.txt", head = 1)
>  attach (w)
>  month <- factor (month)
>  h <- read.csv (file = "simple.csv", head = TRUE, sep = ", ")

names (dataframe_name)
to get a list of the variable names
names(x) <- NULL
to set all names in NA value
> names(v1) <- c("x","y","sum")

read.table would fail if there were any spaces in any of the variable names in row 1 of the dataframe (the header row) or between any of the words within the same factor level

attach (objname)
to make the variables from dataframe accessible by name within the R session
detach (objname)
to make the variables from dataframe unaccessible by name

you can get a quick summary of the data by calculating a frequency table. a frequency table is a table that represents the number of occurrences of every unique value in the variable

table (objname)
to generate frequency tables

lapply (x, function, ...)
apply a function over a List or Vector
returns a list of the same length as x, each element of which is the result of applying FUN to the corresponding element of x

sapply (x, function, ..., simplify=TRUE, USE.NAMES=TRUE)
apply a function over a List or Vector
is a user-friendly version and wrapper of lapply

vapply (x, function, function.VALUE, ..., USE.NAMES=TRUE)
apply a function over a List or Vector
is similar to sapply, but has a pre-specified type of return value, so it can be safer

apply (x, margin, function, ...)
Apply Functions Over Array Margins
Returns a vector or array or list of values obtained by applying a function to margins of an array or matrix
MARGIN: a vector giving the subscripts which the function will be applied over
for a matrix ‘1’ indicates rows, ‘2’ indicates columns, ‘c(1, 2)’ indicates rows and columns.
Where x has named dimnames, it can be a character vector selecting dimension names

mapply (column, factor, function)
Apply a Function to Multiple List or Vector Arguments
is a multivariate version of sapply. mapply applies FUN to the first elements of each ... argument, the second elements, the third elements, and so on

tapply (column, factor, function)
apply a function to each (non-empty) group of values given by a unique combination of the levels of certain factors

aggregate (column, list (title=factor ,...), function)

by (column, list (title=factor,...), function)
  > tapply (meteo$MeanTemp, meteo$Year, mean)
  > aggregate (meteo$MeanTemp, list (period = meteo$Year), mean)
  > by (meteo$MeanTemp, list (period = meteo$Year), mean)

  # exclude variables field1, field2, field3
  m1 <- names (mydata) %in% c ("field1", "field2", "field3")
  n1 <- mydata[!m1]

  # exclude 3rd and 5th field
  n2 <- mydata[c (-3,-5)]

  # take first five observations
  n3 <- mydata[1:5,]

  # sql-style
  n4 <- mydata[ which (mydata$gender == 'F' & mydata$age > 65), ]

  # or
  attach (newdata)
  newdata <- mydata[ which (gender == 'F' & age > 65),]
  detach (newdata)

  # using subset function
  newdata <- subset (mydata, age > = 20 | age < 10, select = c (ID, Weight))
  > p = read.csv ("temperature.csv")
  > p$Month = factor (p$Month, ordered = T, 
                      levels = c ("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr",
  > boxplot (p$Month, p$Temp, col="orange", main="raw data")

  > mm = tapply (p$Temp, p$Month, median)
  > mm
    Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec
   -5.8 -5.8 -0.7  6.9 12.3 18.2 21.0 19.9 15.7  9.5  3.4 -2.8
  > as.numeric (mm)
  [1] -5.8 -5.8 -0.7  6.9 12.3 18.2 21.0 19.9 15.7  9.5  3.4 -2.8
  >  boxplot (p$Month, p$Temp - as.numeric (mm), col="orange", main="deseasoned data")

conditional calcs

> x = seq (1,7,1)
> x
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
> y = rep (1,7)
> y
[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
> sum (y)
[1] 7
> sum (y[x>3])
[1] 4
> sum (y[x==2])
[1] 1      


stripchart (x)
to plot points on real axe
  >  w1 <- read.table ("filename", header = T)
  >  stripchart (w1$vals)
  >  stripchart (w1$vals, method = "stack")

hist (x)
to plot a histogram

the histogram graphically shows the following:

these features provide strong indications of the proper distributional model for the data

  >  hist (w1$vals, col = 'grey', breaks = 12, xlim = c (0.9, 1.3))

boxplot (x)

box plots are an excellent tool for conveying location and variation information in data sets, particularly for detecting and illustrating location and variation changes between different groups of data

  > boxplot (w1$vals, main = 'Main Title of the Plot', xlab = 'x axe label', horizontal = TRUE)
  > boxplot (e$MeanTemp~e$Month, col = "orange")
for producing a normal quantile-quantile plot. test-purpose graph for "normality"
plot (x, y)
  >  plot (x, y, type = "l", pch = 3)

‘type’ possibilities:

  • "p" for points (default)
  • "l" for lines
  • "b" for both
  • "h" for histogram
  • "s" for steps
  • the default plotting character (pch = 1) is ο
    if you want Δ, use pch = 2
    if you want + (plus signs), use pch = 3
    if you want x use pch = 4
    if you want ♦ use pch = 5

    to draw the regression line through the data, you employ the straight line drawing directive

      >  abline (intercept, slope)
    you can combine the regression analysis and the line drawing into a single directive like this:
      >  abline (lm (y~x))

    to plot four graphics (two-in-rows) use the command:

      > par (mfrow = c (2, 2))

    to plot two different funcs on the same plot:

      > plot (t, p1, ylim = c (-6,4), type = "l", col = "red" )
      > par (new = TRUE)
      > plot (t, p2, ylim = c (-6,4), type = "l", col = "green" )
    or, as your ys share the same x, you can also use matplot:
     > p1 = matrix (p1)
     > p2 = matrix (p2)
     > matplot (t, cbind (p1, p2), pch = 19)
     > plot (t, p1, ylim = c (-6,5))
     > points (t, p2)
     > plot (t, p1, ylim = c (-6,5))
     > lines (t, p2)
    par ()
    to look at current graphical params
    par (col.lab="red")
    to set the parameter

    a second way to specify graphical parameters is by providing the optionname=value pairs directly to a plotting function

    > hist (mtcars$mpg, col.lab="red")
  • xlim, ylim axe boundaries
  • xlab, ylab axe labels
  • lty line type
  • lwd line width relative to the default (default=1)
  • fg plot foreground color
  • bg plot background color
  • main plot title
  • functionoutput to
    pdf   ("mygraph.pdf")pdf file
    png   ("mygraph.png")png file
    jpeg   ("mygraph.jpg")jpeg file
    bmp   ("mygraph.bmp")bmp file
    postscript   ("")postscript file   ()returns output to the terminal

    so to save a jpg file called "plot01.jpg" containing a plot of x and y:

    > jpeg ('plot01.jpg')
    > plot (x, y)
    > ()


    generates a set number of random draws, n, from an interval with a specified lower bound, min, and upper bound, max (the r stands for random, and the unif means uniform, obviously)

    can generate random values from a normal distribution

    runif(n = 10, min = 0, max = 5)
    generates 10 random draws from 0 to 5. but if you don’t include the min and
    max arguments…

    runif(n = 10)

    ## [1] 0.2836422 0.7407605 0.3658010 0.2006554 0.8325042 0.9261639 0.7242986

    ## [9] 0.2777294 0.5944356

    …the function defaults to the standard uniform with min of 0 and max of 1









    Uniform Distribution

    runif (n)
    generates n random numbers between 0 and 1 from a uniform distribution

    Normal Distribution

    rnorm (n, mean = 0, sd = 1)
    generates random deviates
    n: number of observations
    mean: vector of means
    sd: vector of standard deviations

    dnorm (x, mean = 0, sd = 1)
    ‘dnorm’ gives the density - given a list of values it returns the PDF

    pnorm (q, mean = 0, sd = 1)
    ‘pnorm’ gives the distribution - given a a list of values it returns CDF

    Binomial Distribution

    rbinom (n, size, prob)
    n: number of observations, size: number of trials, prob: probability of success on each trial

    dbinom(x, size, prob)

    pbinom(q, size, prob)

    Poisson Distribution

    rpois (n, lambda)
    x: vector of (non-negative integer) quantiles
    lambda: vector of (non-negative) means

    dpois (x, lambda)
    returns PDF

    ppois(q, lambda)
    returns CDF

    binom test

    binom.test (x, n, p = 0.5)
    test of a simple null hypothesis about the probability of success in a Bernoulli experiment
    x: number of successes (or a vector of length 2 giving the numbers of successes and failures, respectively)
    n: number of trials (ignored if ‘x’ has length 2)
    p: hypothesized probability of success

    tests of normality

    many statistical tests are based on the assumption of normality. the assumption of normality often leads to tests that are simple and powerful compared to tests that do not make the normality assumption. unfortunately, many real data sets are in fact not approximately normal

    use Student' t-test when the means are independent and the errors are normally distributed

    non-normality, outliers and serial correlation can all invalidate inferences made by Student' t-test. much better in such cases to use a non-parametric technique - Wilcoxon' signed-rank test. use Wilcoxon' rank sum test when the means are independent but errors are not normally distributed

    neither the t-test nor the w-test can cope properly with situations where the variances are different, but the means are the same. this draws attention to a very general point: scientific importance and statistical significance are not the same thing


    to be sure that your data sampling x is close to normal distribution use Shapiro test

    shapiro.test (x)
    test of normality


    t-values associated with different levels of confidence available in R:

    qt (tailed-confidence, df)
    the function gives the quantiles of the t distribution
    the first argument is the probability and
    the second is the degrees of freedom of your population

    confidence intervals are always 2-tailed. thus, if you want to establish a 95% confidence interval you need to calculate (or look up) t-value associated with ±0.025

      >  qt (.025, 9)
      [1] -2.262157
      >  qt (.975, 9)
      [1] 2.262157

    this says that

  • values as small as -2.262 stderr below the mean are to be expected in 2.5% of cases, and
  • values as large as +2.262 stderr above the mean with similar probability
  • so, finally, you can write down the formula for the confidence interval of a mean based on a small sample:

      > x = c(3, 5, 7)
      > qt (.975, 2) * var (x)
      [1] 17.21061
      > qt (.025, 2) * var (x)
      [1] -17.21061

    there is a built-in function t.test

    > t.test (A, B)
            Welch Two Sample t-test
            data:  A and B
            t = -3.873, df = 18, p-value = 0.001115
            alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
            95 percent confidence interval:
             -3.0849115 -0.9150885
             sample estimates:
             mean of x mean of y
                     3         5

    you typically use 5% as the chance of rejecting the null hypothesis

    tests on paired samples

    when the covariance of A and B is positive, this is a great help because it reduces the variance of the difference, and should make it easier to detect significant differences between the means.

    pairing is not always effective, because the correlation between A and B may be weak

    > x <- c (20, 15, 10, 5, 20, 15, 10, 5, 20, 15, 10, 5, 20, 15, 10, 5)
    > y <- c (23, 16, 10, 4, 22, 15, 12, 7, 21, 16, 11, 5, 22, 14, 10, 6)
    > t.test (x, y)
    > t.test (x, y, paired = T)


    > t = read.table ("marks.dat", header = T)
    > x = as.numeric (t[, 2]); x1 = x[1:16]
    > y = as.numeric (t[, 3]); y1 = y[1:16]
    > t.test (x1, y1, paired = T)
      Paired t-test
    data:  x1 and y1
    t = 2.2353, df = 15, p-value = 0.04103
    alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
    95 percent confidence interval:
      0.3600356 15.1399644
    sample estimates:
    mean of the differences


    Wilcoxon non-parametric test is used if the errors looked to be non-normal

    wilcox.test (x, y)

    this non-parametric test can be more powerful than the t-test if the distribution is strongly skewed


    the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is used to decide if a sample comes from a population with a specific distribution. the test is based on the empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF)

    ks.test (x, y)
    ks.test (x, 'pnorm')
    the maximal vertical distance between the two ecdf’s, assuming a common continuous distribution

    if ‘y’ is numeric, a two-sample test of the null hypothesis that ‘x’ and ‘y’ were drawn from the same _continuous_ distribution is performed

    ‘y’ can be a character string naming a continuous CDF, or such a function. in this case, a one-sample test is carried out of the null that the distribution function which generated ‘x’ is distribution ‘y’

    the K-S test has several important limitations:

    tables of contingency


    fisher.test (x)
    provides an exact test of independence of countable entries. x is a two dimensional contingency table in matrix form


    suppose you are interested in investigating the assosiation between x and y

    isn't just enought to caclulate the correlation ρ between x and y?

    perhaps for this dataset (ρ=0.83) it is enought

    what about this dataset? ρ=0.5

    and this? ρ=-0.8

    one of the best methods to describe some data is by fitting a statistical model. the model parameters tell you much more about the relationship between x and y than correlation coefficient. in statical modeling you are inerested in estimating the unknown parameters from your data

    models have parameters some of which are unknown. you are intrested in the inferring the unknown parameters from your data. parameter's estimation needs be done in formal way

    regression - linear model

    > x
     [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
    > y
     [1]  0.9252341  0.8546417  3.1241370  6.0860490  6.2729448  8.7434938
     [7]  5.1923348  9.1469443  4.9776600  7.9872857

    you begin with the simplest possible linear model; the straight line: y = a * x + b

        b  - interseption
        a  - slope

      > z = lm (x~y)
      > summary (z)

    the first step is to fit a horizontal line though the data, using abline (intersept,slope), showing the average value of y:

    > plot (x, y)
    > abline (lm (x ~ y))


    regression - logistic model


    regression - loglinear model


    analysis of variance


    Bayesian model

    the likelihood function, when evaluated in certain point (args of the function), gives the probability of observing the data

    the data is treated as fixed quantity and model's parameters treated as random variables

    priors should be choosen before we see the data. if you know nothing about the parameter you should assign to it so-called uninformative prior



    sayHello <- function () { print ('hello') }
    sayHello ()

    how can you run this via command-line? if you want the output to print to the terminal it is best to use Rscript

     $> Rscript a.R

    note that when using R CMD BATCH a.R that instead of redirecting output to standard out and displaying on the terminal a new file called a.Rout will be created

    >R CMD BATCH a.R
    check the output
    >cat a.Rout

    if you really want to use the ./a.R way of calling the script you could add an appropriate #! to the top of the script


    if (expr_1) expr_2 else expr_3
    ifelse (condition, a, b)


    if you can use vectorized functions then loops should be a last resort

    you need to use them when you do something DIFFERENT to each element of an object

    for (i in values) { ... do something ... }
    these loops are used in R code much less often than in compiled languages. code that takes a ‘whole object’ view is likely to be both clearer and faster in R
    repeat expr
    while (condition) expr

    the break statement can be used to terminate any loop, possibly abnormally. this is the only way to terminate repeat loops

    example:binomial distribution

    #binomial distribution
    args <- commandArgs (TRUE)
    z = as.numeric (args[1])
    p = as.numeric (args[2])
    g <- function (x) { choose (z, x) * p^x * (1-p)^(z-x) }
    x = 1:z
    plot (x, g (x), type = "l")
    $> Rscript bintrial.r 100 0.5
    $> display Rplots.pdf

    example:erlang distribution

    #erlang distribution
    args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
    k = as.numeric(args[1])
    λ = as.numeric(args[2])
    erlang <- function (t) {
      λ^k * t^(k - 1) * exp (- λ * t) / factorial (k - 1)
    t = seq (from = 0, by = .1, to = 100)
    plot (t, erlang (t), type = "l")
    $> Rscript erltrial.r 3 .07
    $> display Rplots.pdf


    >  search ()
    >  library ()
    >  installed.packages ()
    >  list.of.packages <- c ("dlm", "hawkes")
    >  new.packages <- list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
    >  if (length (new.packages)) install.packages (new.packages)

    and after that:

    >  require (dlm)